Interiors & such

I have always had a passion for spaces.

Large or small a space and what you put in it decides how you live.

Selling vintage pieces big and small became my obsession during covid.

Frankly it kept me sane.

From the furniture to the small chosen items only you may notice, they all matter.

This will create a living space that not only refreshes you but gives you continuous joy if chosen carefully. Oh, and have patience.

Here are some of my favorites and wish list items.

Click for more info.


Why everyone is obsessed with lamps & yes lighting has an affect on your mood so tell your mom.

It seems lamps help everything.

Mood stress even cognitive function.

So, let’s embrace lamp life.

Let me explain what that entails…

1) buying an obscene amount of lamps

2) varying sizes, small medium and floor lamps

3) don’t worry about where they’re going ...yet

4) broaden your horizons to unique bulb colors

Pause for more on number four momentarily.

Creativity – purple or yellow lighting

Friendly – yellow or orange lighting

Serenity/Harmony – light blue or green lighting

Happy – yellow or orange lighting

Energy/Vitality – red or yellow lighting

5) last but not least dont let anyone bully you into turning the overheads on.

Now having said all that lets find you some lamps…

Here are some of my favorites :

-Panthella Mini by : Louis Poulsen

- Nessino by : Artemide Lighting

- Akari 1AY & 10A by : Isamu Noguchi

- Fado by : Ikea

- Peso lamp by : Magcharm Official

- Rice paper by : hay design

Some of these are $$$ but with a little searching you can find plenty of dupes like these below

time for mocktails

Don’t feel left out...

going out…

alcohol free!

If you haven’t noticed there is a healthy trend sweeping the nation.... non-alcoholic beverages! They are all the rage & I couldn’t be happier.

Having said that I’ll be the first to admit that I love a good cocktail. Some smoke, some tart, some unique floral arrangement bobbing around on top.

So, I could sit here and rattle off all the facts about why alcohol is bad for you. How its poison, it’s a depressant, how it messes up important little things like oh I don’t know…neurotransmitters and also obliterates your good judgement.

So instead of telling you what you already know I’d like to take a moment and share some of my favorite mocktail glassware and mocktail ingredients.

Because let’s be fair, part of the appeal for most of us is the ritual. It’s the “cold one” after a long day. The treat yourself mentality of getting a beautiful glass and adding beautifully delicious ingredients.

So here are my favs that make it easier to go dry!


Therapy & Self Work