
this was the first black and

white film my sister and i ever

fell in love with


With Marilyn Monroe being her usual breathy bubbly self. We watched as she showed us how to be the sultry sought after gal we all know and love. With her eyes seemingly half closed in most of her scenes, then suddenly wide as saucers, emulating her was virtually impossible. However, the clumsy and hilarious Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis were more my sister and I’s speed to imitate at the dinner table. Please go watch this incredibly funny and quotable movie and let me know what you think!

Auntie mame

one of the most quotable movies of all time .. in my humble opinion

Living in an age of instant gratification, people can be entertained by the swipe of a thumb for hours.

They can watch 100 funny videos a day. As great as that can be (I see you TikTok lip syncing Joe Biden talking about focus)

I’d like to take a moment to look back on the good ol’ days of committed entertainment. I’m talking about watching something for longer than 1 minute and being satisfied as the credit’s role. Eyes still watering as you quote your favorite lines and laugh as you fall asleep.

It’s just different. Trust me.

So, I encourage you to commit to watching a full-length film and enjoy the feeling of having an attention span longer than a 15 second get ready with me.


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